In English
Teema (‘theme’ in Finnish) is the student organization for literature students in Tampere University.
Teema supervises the benefits of its members and organizes a large variety of different activities outside of the studies. For instance, Teema organizes theme-parties, hiking trips, picnics, cabin trips, informal meetings with the staff, culture activities such as movie nights and museum and theatre visits. Teema also has its own book club(s) and a writing club!
The most important aspect of our activity is to ensure that the voices of literature students are heard in the decisions that affect them. For this purpose, Teema is active in different boards in the university which require a student member. Teema also organizes different kind of infos and events for discussion about ongoing changes or, traditionally, about exchange and second subjects.
Teema publishes its own magazine, Legenda (‘legend’ in Finnish), four times a year. All content from articles to pictures are produced by our own students. Moreover, Teema has its own literary award, Tiiliskivi (‘brick’ in Finnish) which is given every year to a fictional work which hasn’t gained enough attention in the mainstream media. Teema also organizes a literature festival called Elävän kirjallisuuden festivaali in Tampere.
Teema uses Fairtrade tea and coffee in all its events.
If you are interested to hear more about Teema´s activities or to participate in them, please contact the government of our student association. Here you can find list of contacts of the current government members.
Literature courses in the university of Tampere are mostly taught in Finnish, but if you are interested in studying literature or taking part in our activities while doing your exchange in Tampere, please contact Teema´s international tutors. Contact informations are found here (under the title ”kv-tuutorointi”).
Teema has also its own Facebook page and closed Facebook group, you are welcome to join! Unfortunately, information is mostly in Finnish but in the group you can, for example, ask for company to join you for a beer/coffee and find friends. You can also follow Teema on Instagram: @teema.ry